Warm 91 Min Dharma III For Intermediate+

A 91 min intermediate+, advanced Dharma III class with Irena Trobnikov “Success in yoga means Self-realization, or the ability with yoga techniques to settle the mind into silence. And then when the mind is settled into silence, the mind automatically has this Samadhi. The mind is free from all the doubts; all doubts whatsoever. The mind comes into the state of bliss. In other words, no personal self. When you remove all the doubts, you keep Yama, Niyama and you are able to overcome sex because all the obstacles are removed. You have no doubts disturbing you, no craving for food, you have discipline, no attachment that disturbs you, and then the mind is staying in silence for a long time, no more doubts left. That’s the goal, the success.” ~ Sri Dharma Mittra